Wednesday, June 6, 2007

oh happy days

So I am officially a brace face, teehee. I went in on Monday for what i thought was going to be a 10 minute appointment, boy was i wrong. The lady tells me, you can take your jacket off, you are going to be here a while...what, what happened to 10 mins. Oh yeah, we decided we are putting all your braces on today, if you have the time, because we arent putting the o-bands on the back...YEAH ME.....very sarcastic

So lode and behold, 1.5 hours later im braced up. I got the front top 6 clear, so they are slightly less noticable, but MAN THEY KILL!!! I dont remember being in so much pain back when i was 12. Maybe its because i didnt care so much then, but now that im older with responsabilities, i cant have this pain in the way, u know. I mean its wednesday already and its no better. I can barely chew my ravioli im currently tryint to eat.

Anyways enough of my complaining, haha. Im sure by Saturday ill be good as new, well other than trying to speak normally and loose this lisp ive gained...i call it my new accent!

So Dr. Hurd said im ready for surgery, haha, funny eh. Since my teeth are already straight, they just put on the braces early so my teeth get used to them with a light wire, then they wont be so sore when they change to a stronger wire for the surgery. So he told me to call Dr. Tocchio to find out a date. I did this and they said they are only now booking for July, so id have to call back October to get an exact date, but at least im getting somewhere right!

So thats it for now, i have another appt in 6 weeks when they will do an adjustment. Ill try to take some pics of my braces sometime over the next week or to!

SMILES, well, small smiles for now to hide the brace face i have, teehee


Tara said...

Congrats on the braces! That means you getting that much closer to getting them back off! I added a link to your page from mine. Is that ok? If not, then I will take it off. Well good luck, and keep up posted with your progress.

~ Tara

Michelle said...

ok,,,rule #1...We love pics! Gotta have a pic. You can't hide those tracks from us. Can't wait to follow your progress!

Graham said...

Advil is your best friend for pain! Welcome to the bracket club, let the journey begin!

Amy said...

Wow - I bet that was a shock getting those on when you were not expecting them! :) ... I just got my braces on last Wednesday - has been quite the learning process so far, but today is probably the easiest so far.

Anway - best of luck!

Brandyleigh35 said...

Hey Tara,
You might want to try some Aleve. The first couple weeks is the worst. After your teeth adjust to movement your pain will only be like 1-2 days with each adjustment, and not as intense. So hang in there! The same thing happpened to me when I got my braces. I went in for impressions and they decided to put the braces on. That all seems like so long ago now though! LOL...


amycq said...

Hey Kristy! Just came across your site while tooling around in bloggerville. I'm getting Upper and Genio done in two weeks, but have had braces on for 3 1/2 years now (it was a long sordid tale...) Best of luck and keep us posted!
