Thursday, April 10, 2008

We finally made it...brace free

So the day has come and gone...and i can say i am brace free....

I havent felt the full advantages yet as i really dont notice they arent there until i run my tongue across...otherwise im still so numb i really dont notice a difference, least it will be more pleasant for others to look at.

So i have to say it wasnt the easiest process.....those suckers HURT comin off....mainly the lower ones as my nerves are wanky, but i have to say i did have a tear or two in my eyes.....once they were off the rest was pretty tame, as i couldnt feel anything....only problem was opening wide enough, but we managed.

So im brace free...have a glued in retainer on the bottom and top and a retainer to wear on the top at night only, i really am brace free and MAN do my teeth look HUGE.

There are still a few concerns i have, like the little triangle spaces on the bottom, but ill see my dentist about that when i go in to see about whitening...why not do the whole shabang at this point right!

So overall i am a happy camper....i will post more pics tomorrow night once im all dolled up for my party to celebrate...for now i have a few posted just so u can all see!!!!!!


Rachel said...

Yeah! Your teeth look great! I hope you have a huge party tmmw.

Graham said...

Yeehaw!!!! Way to go Kristy, you finally made it! I hope that last bit of numbness goes away soon. You look excellent!

Tara said...

WOW Kristy, you look AMAZING!!! Congrats on being brace free. Can't wait to see the all dolled up pics!

Michelle said...

Amazing! I am so jealous of all of you! I feel like everyone I started blogging with during my first surgery is nearing the end. You really look fantastic. I do hope you still blog periodically!

bridget said...

Kristy! You look fantastic! (I never thought the braces made you look young, but you definitely look older with them off! Funny that.) Congratulations!

Tony, the Restless Foodie said...


I know how you feel...still numb myself but I'm just happy to have those darn things off!

laura said...

Congrats!! I'm so jealous.