Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Finally some movement!

So i had my surgeon's appt yesterday, it was quick and simple...teeth are extra clean, really? Hm and i havent even been able to floss or brush at the back properly, but if you say so. Bite looks good, see you in 2 weeks again...I mentioned quickly that the left side inside is hurting a lot, feels like the gums are pulling to the max and the braces are almost embedded in my gums, as there is less room than the right side. The surgeon said its just from swelling and scar tissue, not to worry....but i left somewhat unsatisfied as it HURT, and i was hoping he could offer a solution.

So today was my first adjustment post op and let me tell u i was like a kid in a candy store, i was so excited i hardly slept last night, imagine that. So he said my bite is amazing, a little work to do at the back, but i shouldnt need the braces on for more than 6 months....which he had estimated previously, he even said it should be less than 6 months, woooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo.

So today he replaced the wires, and i removed the surgical hooks, which was great, finally get rid of unwanted excess hardware thats not serving a purpose anymore. So the top wire has a bend at my front teeth as one is slightly more forward and one seems longer, however my roof was expanded caused this, but not to fret, since my adjustment at 10:40am they are aligned, however ones still longer.
He also didnt put the wires all the way to the back bracket, he left the last molar free, which will help the left side to heal inside, and no more rubbing. Again this has eased the pain 10000% since i have left and my mouth is happy on that side.
Lastly he changed my elastics im wearing the strongest elastic on the left side from the first 2 brackets so eye and molar to the lwoer 2 first brackets, again eye and molar. (Fred, heavy 6oz) This is to pull the teeth down a bit on the top as there is a slight space. And in order for the there side not to relapse, i have the lightest band from eye to eye tooth. (Elliot, medium 4oz) I was wearing Bear (4.5oz) since surgery so Fred and me arent the greatest of friends as of yet, lol. Best part of this configuration is that i only have to wear it 10 hours each day!!!! So i think ill prefer that to be when im that great news!!!!!!!!!!!!

So im a bit sore now, more of an overall pressure feeling and my joints are definitely feelin it. Its not the usual soreness since i dont feel anything, which im almost thankful for cuz that one elastic on the left is sooooooooooo strong and thick.

So Surgeon is 2 weeks again and ortho is 4 weeks, im glad things are moving along and theres more progress!

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