Monday, November 19, 2007

quick update

Things are going well in the healing, recovery department. First I'm going back to work next Monday, yes its about time, but I'm still slightly worried as i still talk a little funny and my face doesn't move that much, so I'm bound to be asked questions, ah well good exercise for the jaw right.

On other notes, feeling is coming back but man is it sensitive. My teeth ache when i brush them now, its a hard feeling to describe, somewhat like having a million cavities and the toothpaste is like chocolate being smeared all over the cavities...also i feel this when i moisturize in the am, i could touch my chin and my teeth go crazy, very weird feeling, but promising that the nerves are doing their thing, oh how the body works mysteriously.

I have an appt with my surgeon tomorrow will be good to see how things are going. The most exciting day this week will be wed, when i get my first ortho adjustment post-op!!!! I have tons of questions to ask....hows it looking? How much longer will all this last, etc etc. So I'm defo looking forward to that.

Other than that, just trecking along, doing my exercises and all. Eating had gotten somewhat easier, hardest part is getting the food in there, has to still be cut small, and it will take some time before my bite is used to its new location for chewing...but its looking promising!


Tony, the Restless Foodie said...

Hey there....just caught up on your blog. Thanks for posting. This has helped me with my recovery plan.

How did you deal with the breathing? I'm having such a hard time with the stopped up nose.

Shontelly said...

Wonderful. Your nerve recovery sounds promising! Good discripion with the cavities and choc toothpaste - I know that feeling.

Tara said...

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that has pain when I brush my teeth. I never would have thought to describe it that way, with the chocolate toothpaste, but that's SOOOO accurate! Good one. Hope you don't mind if I use that to describe it to people too?! I had my first ortho adjustment last week, it wasn't too bad. They were able to get in there and do what they had to do with out my mouth opening too far. It just felt weird since the feeling is still coming back. Let us know how your first day back to work goes and your ortho appointment.
~ Tara

Kristy Eng said...

Hey Tony, breathing is quite difficult. Best advice i can give is make sure to clean the dry blood out of your nose with cue tips and peroxide. Just dont panic as you are getting enough oxygen, but it might not feel like it. Ur just gona have to unfortunately grin and bear it, should get better within a few days.

Glad you guys liked the chocolate description!