Friday, November 2, 2007

Procedures done during surgery

So I found my discharge page im supposed to give to my family doctor today, and on it, there is a list of all the proecdures i had done, the exact terminology. I will list them, maybe you all can help me figure it out without having to wait 2 weeks to ask the surgeon. Sorry if i mis spell anything, my surgeons writing isnt the greatest, lol

Vertical Maxillary excess A. P triverse(not sure of word) deficiency, mivoditlar utrogenathin marogenia retrogeina....k none of this makes sense to me, maybe you guys know? im probably way off here
Leforte one osteotairy impact, expand advance
Bilateral mivoditular, sagittal split osteotary advance
genioplasty vertical reduction.

So that was more difficult than i thought it was gona be. But will be interesting to see what he actualy did and how bad i am at reading his writing...hope u all get a good laugh out of this!


Rachel said...

A lot of these same procedures were listed on my pre-determination letter. If you Google it, usually you can find quite a bit of info on each one.

chris k said...

I'll take a swing.

Vertical Maxillary excess= "gummy smile"

A. P triverse(not sure of word) deficiency= "arch too narrow"

mivoditlar utrogenathin marogenia retrogeina= retrognathia means overbite.

..That's the prognosis, here's the treatment..

Leforte one osteotairy impact= an osteotomy means bones breaking, impact means in this case going upwards, impacting the bone, making it shorter, etc.

expand advance= arch expansion

Bilateral mivoditular, sagittal split osteotary advance= bilateral means "on two sides", sagittal split I THINK is a term for the type of cut they put in the bone, like a scarf joint in woodworking terms

genioplasty vertical reduction= shortening the chin.

And that's my final answer.