Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Joint pain sucks

So I havent posted in a while, been very busy with the holidays, as i work shift work and we dont get that 10 days off like most people. I have to continue with my regular shifts, so all days off have been madness with trying to fit everything in.

I have however been in quite a lot of pain recently, id say since the 23 or 24. It's my left joint that is very sore. It was tollerable but for the past 2-3 days it had been unbearable, pretty much stopping me from everything, eating, talking, even sleeping offeres no comfort as i get woken with severe pain. I was holding off on calling the surgeon as i was seeing him today, Thank goodness.

So he says its probably due to my elastic configuration. I have Fred on my left side 24/7 and when imsleeping he also visits my right side. So Dr. T saw him on the left, where the pain is and asks " did the ortho give you this elastic" Me being in the grumpy state im in was about to say back " no i really like fred being a pain in my @%*, but felt it was more appropriate to say "yes" So he says that elastic is way too thick and strong to be wearig 24/7 by itself on one side, and i should wear "bear" now, which is at least half the size of fred. He also gave me Toradol, which is a mild pain killer and anti-inflammatory, to take 4 times a day for 5 days i believe. But honestly ive taken 2 and i have no relief...well a bit cu zits tollerable again, but i knw as the day progresses ill be in great pain as i get more tired.

SO i have had the elastics out since my appt at 11, trying to offer some relief, which is IS, however not as much as id like. My ear, is killing, my neck, all the way down to my back that the whole left side is complete knots. Its also giving me a constant headache, switching to a migrain occasionally. Im on nights now tonight and tomorrow and i can tel lu if it wanst for my 8 hrs stat im gettin from the 1st, i WOULDNT BE HERE....its not much fun. I now have to see the durgeon in 2 weeks to make sure this pain is gone and that its the elastics causing it and not something else...yeah for another possible 2 weeks of pain

So i think it best tocall the ortho tomorrow to fill him on and make sure what the surgeon says is ok....its hard cuz u dont know who to listen to right...but considering this is the braces possibly causing this pain i think it best to see what the ortho says.

So other than that not much new....not eating too much due to pain and talking has goten slurred again cuz of the pain...PAIN overall, and yes it SUCKS....sorry for being so grumypy and unpositive here but i really am not seeing hte benefit of this surgery thus far. Sure my bite is great, but i still cant eat properly, im SICK of the slight swelling and numbness, and lastly the joint pain SUCKS!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing better and had a good NY, Happy 2008....and i PROMISE ill be beter for my next entry!


Tony, the Restless Foodie said...

Hey - so sorry to hear this but I have to let you know something. My ortho doesn't use Fred or Bear, only sizes on the bands and I got 2 paks from him as the Surgeon has me on 4 bands that go from top to bottom on the sides and front. The bands aren't very comfortable as I seem to remember that after wearing them a little while the adjustment they create becomes set and the discomfort goes away....not these. I have resorted to only wearing them when I sleep. I'll probably pay for that later...but I can't be cranky at work.

question for you....are your gums still numb? mine are!

Tony, the Restless Foodie said...

oh - and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

amycq said...

Yeah sometimes it's overwhelming with the post-op process. I still am sensitive in places and still tingly in others...and chewing is still a learning experience.

I keep telling myself that it's not over yet. They did say it could take up to a year to be fully healed. So, I know it's tough but hang in there you have much more healing to do!

Tony, the Restless Foodie said...

P.S. I think I know what you mean by "joint pain". I found out yesterday after having talked too much. Thank Gawd I have something to make the pain go away!